Services for Parents, Caregivers, and Families
Parent/caregiver mental health is essential for children’s mental health. In order for children to feel better, parents and caregivers have work to do, too—but you don’t have to do it alone! I offer therapy and consultation services to support you on your parenting journey and to help you navigate challenging behaviors from your kids and teens.
Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions: SPACE is a parent-based treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems. The treatment focuses on changes that parents can make to their own behavior; they do not need to make their child change. The two main changes that parents learn to make in SPACE treatment are to respond more supportively to their anxious child and to reduce the accommodations they have been making to the child symptoms.
Family Therapy: Family dynamics and relationships are complex. Family therapy can help family units resolve conflicts, set limits and boundaries, understand roles and identities, and strengthen relationships.
School Support and Special Education/IEP/504 Plan/Behavior Plan Consultation: I have worked in schools, serving pre-k through grade 12 students, for over 15 years. I have expertise in special education services, including serving on teams that determined special education and 504 Plan eligibility, writing goals for Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), conducing Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs), and developing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs). If your child’s social, emotional, and/or behavioral needs are impacting their school performance, I can help you navigate the Special Education system and advocate for appropriate supports your child may need.
Behavioral Consultation: Is bed time a struggle? Can’t get your kids out the door to school on time? Do your kids’ tantrums have you ready to throw your own tantrum? Behavior is communication! Behavior consults can help parents to understand the functions behind challenging behaviors, recognize ways you may be inadvertently reinforcing undesired behaviors, and work collaboratively with your children to resolve conflicts. I can help you learn what is going on in the brain during challenging behaviors, and how your can support your child to feel safe and secure when experiencing difficult emotions. When appropriate, I also offer in-home behavior support.